Meet the extension that lets you learn like an apprentice

ExplainDev is an AI assistant that helps developers interpret code and upskill for the task at hand

Leading a team?

We're seeking design partners for ExplainDev for teams.

ExplainDev assists you right where you read or program.

Code explanations in plain language
Answers to technical questions in context
Guidance on what to learn next

  • Firstbit
  • 2ndbit
  • 3rdbit

ExplainDev is for developers who want to up-skill fast and be more independent at work.
Feel confident about new code, now!

Learn like an apprentice.
At its core, apprenticeship is a relationship-driven learning model, based on actual day-to-day work, in which a novice gains hands-on knowledge from an expert to grow skills and act with increasing independence.

Early adoptors of ExplainDev have reported a 50% decrease in questions for the senior developer assigned to help them in onboarding.

We'll be guiding users to the WHY of code in 2023.

We also guide you on code in your browser

The Chrome extension explains the code and answers your questions on websites like GitHub, Stack Overflow, documentation, config files, and learning sites.

And help you share what you've learned

Use ExplainDev explanations and answers to create beautiful tutorials in seconds.

  • Fully customizable

    Include as many code snippets as you want and get editable explanations instantly. All elements are customizable from the size and background of the image to the positioning and styling of arrow or text elements.

  • Du
  • Loopsjs
  • Docker
  • Simpletext